Costume Party


This fun set of colorful triplets came together easily and was a blast to make. That fluffy edging makes them all the more wild and wacky, and who doesn't love fuzzy fringe?!  Personally, I don't think I'd wear any of these out in public... but maybe somebody could talk me into it. 🤩


Too many colors? Never!  😎

Too much fluffy edging? Never! 😎

Too much fringe? Never! 😎

Last summer I created a bunch of friends for these costumed creations.  Color Blast and Color Revel both contain elements that were inspirations for and ancestors of this trio of costume party creations.  Pairing the smooth, velvety yarn of the body with a fluffy, flouncy yarn for edging and fringe makes for a colorful party! 

Colorful Crochet + Creative Color Combinations + Fluff + Fringe = Costume Party


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