Winter Blues

I crocheted these blue beauties during the fall months, and now with fresh snow on the ground, they make a pretty picture. In full sunlight, they are almost too blue... Wait, is there such a thing as too blue?! 😍  

Last summer I created a few other blues inspired scarves and shawls: Blue Jean Baby. It's fun to compare the shades and hues in the different light. With the high angle of the sun in summer, and the low angle in almost winter, you can see how deep this color actually goes. Then compare indoor light with those variations of outdoor sun, and feel every vibe of blue on blue with blue.

I'm a devoted fan of the blues, and all its hues. I never get tired of crocheting with variations in ocean, sky, ice, jeans, eyes, peacock, sapphire, whale, propane flame, and Morning Glory shades of Dad's favorite color. 😊

After their outdoor photo shoot, these blue beauties needed some drying time. When I spread them out like this in different locations near various vents, I noticed that their characters were even more better blues. Worthy of another photo shoot. 😎

Here is a close up of all four blue beauties stacked together. Literally, blue on blue on blue on blue. 😀 This lets you compare some details in the stitching, and it is a good way to see how different the blues are in each of these items.

From top to bottom in the stack above, these items are: (1) "Cotton Blend" in "Blue" with ruffle (different yarn company) of "sea glass" and fringe of mixed leftovers, (2) "Summer Kiss" in "Blueberry" with edge of "Cotton Blend" in "Blue" and fringe of three leftovers, (3) "Just My Stripe" in "Berry Blue" with ruffle (different yarn company) of "light blue," and (4) "Totally Tubular" in "High Tide." Can you keep all those companies, categories, and color schemes straight?! 😄  I do love to mix'em and mingle'em. 

Below is a full view of the "Totally Tubular" throw in the color scheme of "High Tide." I didn't hate working with this jumbo weight yarn, but it is not my favorite look and feel. I don't think I will buy any more of it, because it is just too bulky for my dainty hands. 😃  Also, it seemed kind of expensive to me... Although, I'm so used to specials, sales, steals and deals - I know I'm not a good gauge of pricey yarn. Plus, it took 4 hanks to make this throw. (Ah, the jargon of yarn. Yarn Jargon. I didn't even know "hank" was a thing until I tried this yarn.)

Here they are all together again, just hangin' out.
I love the look of this quartet.
So blue, so beautiful.

Zoom in for some blue detail.

One last look at these lovlies, full length and full of blue.

Blue + Other Blue + Another Blue + More Blue = Creative Crochet


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