Birthday Bouquet


This wonderful collection of colors is a gorgeous yarn, called "Tropical Beaches," in the color scheme "sunset beach." I got it at my fave place: Yarned & Dangerous. 😍

Nothing fancy here. 😎 Just the same old, same old that I love doing. That mesh pattern (explained on Piles of Color). Done it so many times, and still luvin' it. 💕 And those ruffles. Oh, how I love ruffles. 😍 (Remember the Ruffle Monster? How about Hippie Pillows?)  Plus, fringe filling up the ends 'til there's nuthin' more to fill.🤩 (Too much fringe? Hippie, another Hippie, more Hippies, still more Hippie) Never too much fringe! Maybe too many hippies. 😎

Actual birthday bouquet (above). My crochet bouquet (below).

Here's a folder of  more photos, just showing off: Birthday Bouquet

I do love posing pieces. 😍

Colorful Crochet + Ruffles + Fringe = Creative Fun


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