Hippie Fringe

This magnificent mess deserves its own color, a new color, defined. Let's see... hippiefringe, yes. If hippiefringe isn't exactly a color... well, it should be! Clearly defined in these images, hippiefringe is obviously...a color. 😁 I was in a fringe fest mood when I created this trio, and one right after the other these colorful creatures kept making me happy. Fuzzy trim edging,  flouncy ruffles, and enough fringe to make any hippie happy, these colorful creations were a fluffy bundle of fun to work with.

These items all have the same "Ice Cream Deluxe" category of yarn as the body of Sage and Sand, but now in less earthy color schemes. 😁  It is SO fun to work with this chenille yarn: it feels luxurious, looks like cotton candy, and flows easily with every stitch. These three creations are variations of the Color Buffet sparkling beast that was such good summer time fun, and which is itself descended from the Ruffle Monster that is so dear to my heart. Ah, the creative circle of crochet! I keep going round and round on it. 

The yarn company uses breeze'y beach town names to label all the color schemes in this category. The three I have here (from left to right) are Malibu, Jupiter, and Newport. (The one in Sage and Sand is Goose Lake.)  This chenille yarn is a super bulky weight, and comes in a delightful cake. Each one is a cute cupcake looking thing, kinda chubby, and even has some strands poofing out the top of it, like frosting. What sweet silly fun! I loved having a stack of fluffy cupcakes ready to work on, and as soon as there is another sale (yes, this yarn is a little pricey) I will stock up on another colorful stash.

My glorious stash of yarns includes plenty of colors and kinds for simple edging, crazy edging, basic trim, wacky trim, small ruffles, big ruffles, fringe, fringe, and more fringe. I also keep all the leftovers from every project: Colorful Leftovers. Which means... and I am not ashamed... in addtion to a standard stash of yarn ready to go for regular projects, I also have an insane stash of odds and ends that is awesomely random and gorgeous. It is because of this stash upon stash that I can, at any time, without logic or explanation: (1) add extra texture to an already texture filled piece, (2) upgrade every colorful piece with yet another color, and (3) change my mind

The piece directly above has a body of Malibu chenille, with a simple edging of Color Made Easy in pink lemonade, and additional edging of Terryspun in light purple. I love the look (so fluffy!) and feel (so soft!) of Terryspun, but it is hard to work with because you can't see the stitches very well. It was recently discontinued (probably for that tricky stitches reason), but it might come back in another style some day. Good thing I loaded up on a good stash of it last time it was on sale. 😎 The fringe is made up of two strands in each end stitch of the same yarns as the edging.

The piece directly above has a body of Jupiter chenille with an edgeing of Color Made Easy in prism (what a great name for a color!), and additional edging of Mandala Fluffy in scorpionfish. (Wow! Another fantastic name for a color! But, "scorpionfish" is their name for a color scheme, not just one color. And it really is a great color scheme, too. Here's how they label it: Ultra Violet, Lavender, Mauve, Jade, Mulberry.) The initial edging in prism started out very simple, but after once around, I wanted to ruffle it. 😁 I didn't want to get too crazy too fast (uh, like I did in the next piece), so I just kept it to a double stitch ruffle (two upper stitches went into every one base stitch), nice and easy. 

The piece directly above has a Newport chenille body, with three layers of edging (Terryspun for the fluff of it, and bargain acrylic for the triple stitch ruffle) from two different yarn companies. Those three yarns (gray, white, light blue) also went into the fringe, along with a fourth yarn (aqua) of a different texture (Baby Soft Boucle), making the whole five yarn mess a quintuple masterpiece. 

Close ups for fringe and ruffle details.

More close ups for more details on fringes and ruffles.

A few final poses of this crazy colorful trio of hippie fringe friends.

Colors and Colors + Ruffles and Trim + Fringe and more Fringe = Crochet Fun


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