
I love this sweet beast of a piece! 😍 Granny Squares Galore? Godzilla Granny... It was difficult to decide what to call this gorgeous monster. 🤩 And it is impossible to get a sense of scale from the photo above. Don't be fooled by the cute poms, and the candy colors. No little baby blankets here, this thing is as big as The Beast. 😎 To get a good look at how big it actually is, I tried draping it over a chair... but that just made it look like a piled up crash site, with poms and ruffles. 😂

So, I tried giving it scale by arranging it on the couch. But that didn't really work either, because now it just looks like a train wreck. With poms and ruffles. 😆

I absolutely loved making this friendly monster. Here's a photo album of the process, including several delightful poses, plus me sitting on the couch. 😁 All the yarn for this piece was actually a kit. But, I ended up not doing the kit piece. I just did my own easy granny square collection. 😎

Then, I added a simple border around each granny square.

Then, I connected a row of squares, and made four of these rows.

Then, I connected the rows, and gave it a ruffled borderAnd added those fun poms. 🤩

I ❤ floppy poms! They're so fun! I don't like to trim them down tight, but you can if you want to. Trimmed super tight, they'll look like a cotton ball. Left super floppy, they'll be more like a cheerleader's pom-pom. I enjoy making them medium-floppy, like a cute sea creature, or a silly cartoon character. 😍 Here's another folder of pics: Scruffy Poms, this one showing I have way too much colorful fun 😎 accessorizing with this side project. 

I worked on this project over a period of about three months, and loved every minute of it. It was the perfect project for cold nights in late autumn, as it turns to winter. At first, as those granny squares were stacking up, I kept percolating on more ideas for more granny squares. 🤩 Then, as the sections turned into bigger sections, and connected sections even bigger and with ruffles, I wondered how monstrous of a snuggle'ish'ous blanket can I possibly make?! 🤔

I've had an on-again and on-even-more-again love affair with granny squares. Yes, a long term love affair. In an open relationship. With a lot of cheating going on.😆Most recently, there was a Granny'Palooza. And shortly before that, there were Mega Granny Squares. Not to be confused with the Mega Granny Square. Ah, yes, and way back, in the mists of time, there was Granny Square Greatness. Oh, and don't forget, Baby Beast. 😎So now, my latest sweet beast of a piece, this Gran'zilla, is in good company.

Granny Squares + Colorful Crochet = Creative Fun


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