Once upon a time, there was a Princess who joined the Army. She was issued a pink camouflage scarf with ruffle and fringe. And she lived happily ever after. 😎 I had way too much fun making this ruffled sweet piece... even though I'm not a princess and I've never been in the army.
I love the color scheme of pink camouflage, because... well...does it clash? Or does it not clash? Yea, that's why. This piece was fun and easy to make, because the two yarns I used worked so well together. The body of the scarf is a simple mesh pattern using a bargain yarn, medium weight, in the pink camouflage color scheme. The ruffle was added using a deliciously soft chenille yarn in solid pink. The fringe was also quick and easy, just made from a few strands of the leftovers of both yarns. The two textures of scruffy bargain and luxurious chenille paired like peanut butter and jelly.
I accidentally made this piece way too long and skinny. Here it is (above) hanging from a hook on the back of the door, and this is doubled up. When I put it around my neck, right at the middle, it drags on the floor. I haven't measured it exactly, but it must be at least ten feet in length. What was I thinking? I wasn't really thinking, when I made the starting chain I just kept on going because I love to watch that pink camo color scheme play out.
I have worked with this color scheme before. My very first post, Piles of Color, when I created this blog included a small scarf that I had made using this same bargain yarn in pink camouflage. It's easily seen in the photos in the middle of the post, where I'm "posing the piles." 😋 The pink camo piece is hanging on the upper left of the wooden shelf. Kinda fun to look back on those early pieces. I had so much fun with them, and I hope color lovers somewhere out there are enjoying them.
Aw, look!! (above) There's G.I. Jane all rolled up comfy next to the Baby Beast pillow I made from the leftover square of The Beast. They look so cute together. And here's how cool it looks (below) when G.I. Jane is all spread out and relaxed on the actual Camouflage Colors of the throw I made for Frank, which he likes to call Little Camy. 😋
The texture of chenille ruffles is such a delight, and it adds all the volume to this piece. Ten feet of long and skinny doesn't look so lanky when there's twenty feet of fluffy ruffle along the edges. 😍
And now let's talk about fringe, shall we?! 😍😎😁 Take a look at this gorgeous detail! So fun and fringe'y. Slow and tedious, every strand, but always worth it in the end.
Pink Camouflage + Ruffle + Fringe = Crochet Fun
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