Sparkly Mini-Purse


This little clutch purse is super easy to make. The pattern is: (1) make a square, (2) fold it into rectangular thirds, and (3) stitch the lower two-thirds sides together. That's it! I made this one in sc stitches the whole way, because that is fast and easy. I just wanted to see how this worked out, and I was delighted with how cute this simple little piece is. I think next time I will vary the stitches, just to give it some texture. This yarn, with its metallic chainette construction, doesn't show the stitch texture well, but it sure does have fun with all that sparkle. Show off! 😎

I thought it would be more solid, but it turned out kind of floppy. Not ideal for a disco night out. 🤩 But perfect for decorative storage. I thought about keeping my crochet kit in it, but that doesn't really work... the small hooks keep slipping through the stitches, and the ends of the scissors poked through, too. Not functional here, but it sure does look cute! 😍

This little purse is exactly perfect for storing three packs of tissues. 😁

Something every girl needs: the most glamorous way to store your tissue packs. 😁

Even better: sparkle on sequins! What a fabulous storage option. This purse is the perfect size for exactly two sequined face masks. I love how Cathy's masks completely outshine my little crochet piece.

The category of yarn is Boogie Nights, which does make me chuckle. This black and gold color scheme is called Ace of Spades, very clever. Love those creative color scheme names! I still have three other color schemes in this category, all named for a gambling night out: Monte Carlo (pinkish), Diamonds (white), and Roulette (baby blue). I am going to have to think of something else to make with these, because this yarn worked up too soft and floppy for a clutch purse. 

Love that metallic chainette construction!

I had just a little bit of the black and gold yarn left over from this project.

I love leftovers! 😍

I love perfect corners! Here is a look at the inside connection stitches (above) and outside smooth edge (below) of the same corner. 

Turning it inside-out hides the stitched-together side... but I can imagine using some super cool extra sparkly yarn on that edge. Instead of hiding, it could show off. So many future options! Hmm, maybe even ruffle it! 😎

Sparkle Yarn + Creative Clutch = Crochet Fun


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