Cake'ity Cake'ness
I had so much fun creating these "cakes" for my cousin's wedding! 😎 Each one contains a dozen scarves, rolled up and layered, all different shapes and sizes. Inside each layer are more scarves of various textures and color schemes, like delightful little hidden secrets. 🤩 Plus there are several extra pieces of ruffle that wrap around between the layers. There are so many different kinds of yarn wrapped up in these cakes, it is crazy fun. From bulky novelty yarn, to fine weight sparkling, the mixture of textures is a clash all its own. 😋 And, so easy to assemble, plus they can be rearranged on a whim. Here's how they stack up: Love all the textures and colors! The "chocolate cake" contains much more than plain chocolate. There is Army camouflage in there, along with blueberry, burgundy, and a shaggy woodland color scheme. Like buried treasure, there is so much to uncover as you take apart the layers. This gift keeps on giving! 😄 The "princess cak...