Starting Chains
I super duper especially loved working with this novelty yarn: two shades of pink, glossy sheen, with sequins. 🤩 Could it BE any more fabulous?! 😎 I've had a long term love affair with sequins: Gold and Silver , Winter Mint , Moon Stone , Snow Day . But I know, it looks more fabulous than it can be a bit scratchy on the skin. That's why I mostly just experiment and have fun with it, but I don't work up big projects on it... or do I?! 😁 I do this often: make a giant ball of starting chain. Sometimes I combine fine strands (above) and sometimes I just take one bulky strand (below) and run with it. 😁 In the end, all I end up with is a giant ball of a starting chain, and it feels like I have really accomplished something great. 😎 Like, "Big ball. Me made big ball. No purpose, just. Ball." 😆 I love combining strands of various textures (below is a faux-hair strand plus a sequined strand, both fine weight), and I espec...